Dental burs come in a variety of forms and are used for a range of purposes. Most commonly, the cutting bur is selected to remove both hard and soft tooth material, while a polishing bur is utilized to create a smooth, pristine finish.
Constructed to endure a range of tasks, burs are crafted from various material compositions. Steel forms the foundation of most burs, while variations consisting of diamond, carbide, and ruby also exist. Not only does this influence the bur’s cost but also its lifespan.
The applications of burs vary, depending on their shape. The most frequently encountered forms are round, conical, and cylindrical. For instance, a cylindrical bur is used for slicing whereas a conical one is ideal for smoothing.
Depending on their size, burs are distinguished by categories such as small, medium, and large––each of which has the capacity to take away varying degrees of tooth matter.
The coarseness of burs is quantified by the grit: larger particles offer a rougher texture, while finer particles provide a smoother finish.
Dentists rely on dental burs in their work, as they can come in handy for different tasks and procedures. The kind of bur chosen for the job always depends on the type of work being done.
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Post time: 2023-06-28