While patients have an abundance of solutions for dental restoration, dentists face a more restricted range of choices. Out of the plethora of options on offer, how can they pick the right product? One way is to take advantage of the resources at their disposal and research suitable solutions, such as Sirona’s CEREC milling burs which make this task considerably simpler.
For Sirona’s revolutionary dental restoration system, CEREC milling burs are an indispensable component. The 3D scanner first maps out the exact dimensions of the tooth needing restoration, allowing the machine to create a digital replication. Following this, a block of ceramic material is employed to form a dental restoration that is almost indistinguishable from its natural counterpart.
This particular system provides a plethora of advantages; no more awkward dental impressions are needed, not to mention the fact that completion time for a dental restoration is drastically reduced. In addition, the finished look and functioning greatly resembles that of natural teeth.
The Splendor of Burs: Uncovering Their Unique Qualities
The burs are created with a resilient material, designed to stand the test of time. This optimizes the duration and quality of the restoration, with a smooth and accurate finish ensuring the restoration looks and works as intended.
If you want to invest in a restoration that looks and lasts, Sirona’s CEREC milling burs are just the thing. These burs make sure you get the highest-quality product for your hard-earned cash.
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Post time: 2023-06-28